Student Solution


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Week 15-Sexual Violence against Women

Week 15-Sexual Violence against Women

Q JHRA-Spring 2022 Week #15- Online Learning Assignment-Sexual Violence Against Women Once you have completed the narrated lecture, please complete the following sheet. You are required to use professional writing for this exercise—that means using full and complete sentences, not one-word responses. Type your responses in this Word format and upload to Canvas under “Assignments”. You will earn 10 points for submitting the document and it will help to guide our class discussions. A) Please list 3 details you learned about sexual violence against women: 1. 2. 3. B) Please list 1 question you have from sexual violence against women: 1. C) List two facts you learned from sexual violence against women (what surprised/interested you?): 1. 2.

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1.Women between the ages of 18-24 are most commonly abused by an intimate partner 2.VAWG (Violence Against Women and Girls) is now recognized as a profound public health issue with well-documented impacts on women’s sexual and reproductive health, their overall mental health, their risk of chronic disease, and the health and well being of their children. 3. VAWG cuts across cultures, socio-economic status, ethnicities and other demographic diversities.